
What to expect in the next months - early 2024?

Short term

Some essential concepts require our attention first. Second we apply these building blocks while dealing with practical challenges. The organisation of your doc is crucial. Our starting point is that most users don't like data, while makers love to show off. The tension between both perspectives is handled in a controller driven set up in which data sleeps in hidden pages and users apply controllers and forms to interact with the data.

Longer term

Although the Coda Formula Language is powerful and agile, sometimes you need JSON, Regex or even JavaScript. We will explore these concepts so you can make better use of it in your coda work. Certainly Regex is adviced when you deal with larger texts.

There are already great instruction videos on all of these languages. My approach is the useage of any syntax in a Coda document.
task 1
reviewing blogs
task 2
create at least 3 videos on coda basics
task 3
post at least 4 templates
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